Saturday, October 16, 2004

My First Entry!


I've finally decided to create a blog since, honestly speaking, it seems to be the 'in' thing now and I'm feeling quite bo liao. Haha... No really, seriously... A blog is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world! You see, having a blog has many many uses, and I think keeping a blog can help in improving my English, which is very important because English is our first language.

Do you believe that? Haha...

Anyway you may ask why this name Xuedao ? Let me tell you a story...

Long long ago in the faraway land... There lived a cute girl named, Shimin. She was 14 years old when she first started using the Internet. Her cute friends taught her how to use the mirc to chat online and soon she was hooked! And she chat and chat, day and night, 24 hours non-stop and... Oh nono, before she was hooked, she loved the nickname: Snowdrop. But to her dismay, someone has already registered that nick! (Arghhh) So... She brainstormed and came out with a unique, special nickname: Snowpour! If you translate it Snowpour = Xuedao. Tataz.

So you know why my blog webby is named xuedao...

Now, do you know why my blog title is named Ribena ? Let me tell you...

I shall spare you another lame story. Haha. It's because the cup in front of me is a Ribena cup.