Sunday, March 05, 2006

1 down

My msn nick: Mocks are coming!!!

Sounds like mocks are some kind of aliens invading earth. Everyone... HIDE NOW!! Like war of the worlds. So i added 'Mocks are not aliens.' Hehe.

Marketing mock is over already. I hope i'll pass. Next paper would be on coming Saturday so I'll have a week to prepare for them. I hate exams.

Recently my sis and I went on an Elf spree online.
Spent approx SGD20 on 7 items! So cheap. Bought 1 blusher, 1 blusher brush, 2 lip gloss, 1 two way mascara, 1 4 colour eyeshadow and 1 shimmer face whip. Cost per item: USD1 + tax. Cheap!!!

And I found a lot more sprees in and and I'm going crazy each day.

I've also started to sell stuff off yahoo!auctions. Sold a dress, eyeshadow and a pair of shoes. Recouped: $31 (exclusive of postage cost).

Hope my other stuff can be sold off smoothly! :)