Sunday, December 05, 2004

Day 2 - Theme Park!

FRI 3/12/04

We had dim sum breakfast, Uncle's treat. Not too full because we were preparing for outdoor theme park!

11:00 onwards - Fun time! I played the Dragon coaster, Cyclone, Mine train, the Merry-go-round swinging chairs, Teacup and kid's Merry-go-round. Hahaha...

I don't dare to play the Space shot, too scary le! Only brave px and my bf played that. It's like 15 storey high! And you only sit on a chair (of course with belt), facing outwards. Then you will slowly go up and up and very high up! When you reached the top...

*Jerks to a stop*

Bengz, dunno why there will be a very loud noise, sounding like that's it, that's the end, it would be a disastrous ride (like what hj said.)

Anyway, we had lots of fun. :)

I wanted to play Go-kart, Bumper boat and Ferris wheel but there wasn't enough time.