Singapore Zoo 12th August 06, Saturday

It has been years since I last visited the Singapore Zoo. Admission price is $20 per adult, so expensive! But we didn't need to pay because his aunt has a 'Friends of the Zoo' card.
The zoo is not as big as expected. We completed our tour in about 6 hours. The lions and cheetahs are missing. Makes me worry if they've escaped from their enclosure. Like in the Jurassic Park movie, 'Where are all the dinosaurs??'
We missed the Australian kangeroo and some reptiles. I don't like reptiles and snakes anyway.
I love the penguins and polar bears!!!
I like looking at the penguins in their winter enclosure. They are soo cute! I have a video clip that shows how blur they are. Hahaha.
I like looking at polar bears when they swim. They look soo clumsy and furry. We waited for quite a long time for one of the polar bears to dive into the water. We also witnessed him standing up on two legs and clapping his hands!
Baboons are amazing too. Male baboons are fierce and are very pampered by their female partners. The ones with the biggest red ass are males. Haha. Took me some time to distinguish them. Baby baboons are very tiny. They either cling onto their mother's chest or sit on their backs.
Exhibits I would like to visit again:
1. Fragile forest - Butterflies, the-black-and-white monkey-looking animal (don't know call what), mousedeers, red birds, yellow birds, orange monkey-looking animal etc.
2. Children world animal land - Goats, sheeps, chicks, horse, rabbits, ponies etc.

Anyway, we had an enjoyable day at the Zoo. I'll upload more pictures the next time. :)
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