Monday, December 20, 2004


The windows were opened for fresh air. I could hear birds chirping. Once a while, a strong breeze will cause the blinds to rattle. The ceiling fan turned at a slow speed. Everything looked boring.

I've been sick for the past 2 days. Flu virus i guess. Starts with a sore throat followed by a fever that mounted up to 38.8 degrees and ended with an irritated throat. Coughs and phlegm looks gross.

My bro's room became a hospital ward, where my sis slept at the bed beside me. Her case's more serious than mine. We concluded that my dad spread the virus to us.

Anyway. My fever's gone now, though feeling a bit heavy headed. Coughs now and then. Arghh...

I want to go school tomorrow. I want to go out and play.

P/s: Exactly 3 months from now. People, start planning for my birthday. :P