Sunday, December 10, 2006

Mr Fish died...

Poor fishy died out of a sudden. Sob. I just changed the tank water, cleaned the tank and put in more oxygen bubbles for him and he died....

I suspect he broke his spine. Because he can't swim straight, slanted to a side. Or it's the blood worms he ate everyday. Maybe it's not suitable for him. Or it's the air con that is too cold. Sigh. Anyway he's died. I don't want any pets anymore.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Late update: Bangkok trip, Photos4

These are all the things I bought in 2 days!

This display can only be found in the Departure Hall.

Late update: Bangkok trip, Photos3

Traditional Thai food at a restaurant at Suan Lum Night Market.

Loi Korathong Festival at Windsor Suites Hotel.

Muscial performance at Suan Lum.

Temple entrance.

Stationary guards.


Late update: Bangkok trip, Photos2

Late update: Bangkok trip, Photos